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  • Ben

Day 13 - 2mg:

Slow and steady. Every night, I feel like maybe I’ll just stop taking it tomorrow. But then every morning, I feel bad and decide to just stick with the plan and take it slow. I’m still having to take 4 doses of miralax every day and 1 dose of metamucil, which is kind of perplexing. I would assume the constipation would fade a little as my dose lowers, but it isn’t. Maybe it’s just taking a long time to get out of my system. Anyway, the taper calculator I used online called for a 55 day tapering plan. So I’m just going to stick with that for now.

I’m still not sleeping well, but it gets a little better every night. I’m having other medical issues on top of all of this. They found some kind of stones in my pelvic area when they did an ultrasound yesterday and for some reason I’m having horrible left arm pain. With all of this going on, it’s just super difficult some days. But I’m maintaining my resolve. Sticking to the plan and trusting that my body will adjust to the lower dose over time. More tomorrow.

<3 - B

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